ios17: hey I don’t know this word, did you mean this other word
me: no i meant what i typed
ios17: ok cool
me: [hits send]
ios17: mmm nah i bet you meant this other word, let’s use that one instead

@beep did you mean the most common coordinating conjunction in the english language? naah you meant the slang abbreviation for “abdominal muscles” that you have never typed even once


@beep @meetar The word “and” is known to grammarians as the two-pack because it connects pairs of things.

@vruba @beep That is true. Derived from the latin “ab” meaning “away from”, from the sound one makes while doing crunches, thus sending the past “away from” you and “connecting” you to your fitness goals. The word was known for requiring great core strength to utter

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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.