Are there other Weird Studies listeners lurking around here? It’s a relatively recent discovery for me and I am having such a good time in the archive.


@kissane It was @grantimatter who introduced me to it. (I haven’t been keeping up lately but I’m looking forward to catching up eventually.)

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@vruba @grantimatter Oh good—l’m lurching through at random, please holler if there are specific older episodes you recommend! I’m about 30% in.

@kissane @vruba
I remember Tanizaki “On Shadows” being a good one. There are a few I’m interested in that touch briefly on RPGs as a new sort of narrative because that’s a pet interest of mine.
Oh, any of the ones that have Meredith (?) on as a guest host are great.

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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.