@burritojustice @migurski @nelson @mistertim @dymaxion @v @jonty @vruba @prehensile @peterme @shashashasha @meetar @npseaver @inverse @ngsmcphrsn @KevinMarks @mizmay @randometc @feralresearch @stefpos @sparks @diagram @air_pump @gsvoss oh uh I actually built that diagram as an interactive tool in d3 to explore chess games
@nelson @migurski @vruba @npseaver @llimllib @mistertim @dymaxion @v @jonty @prehensile @peterme @shashashasha @meetar @inverse @ngsmcphrsn @KevinMarks @mizmay @randometc @feralresearch @stefpos @sparks @diagram @air_pump @gsvoss (23 days since the last post? did I break this thread? I always have a hell of a time finding it)
@migurski roses are red, posies are pink…
@prehensile @migurski @yoz @burritojustice @peterme @vruba @mizmay @llimllib @randometc @meetar @npseaver @stefpos @air_pump @diagram @gsvoss @nelson @v @feralresearch @KevinMarks @inverse @dymaxion @jonty @shashashasha @mistertim @sparks @ngsmcphrsn everything, everywhere, all at once!
@emma @burritojustice @peterme @migurski @vruba @mizmay @llimllib @randometc @meetar @npseaver @stefpos @air_pump @diagram @yoz @gsvoss @prehensile @nelson @v @feralresearch @KevinMarks @inverse @dymaxion @jonty @shashashasha @mistertim @sparks @ngsmcphrsn
Where do I sign up for human/cat ballroom dancing classes?
@nicr9 @emma @burritojustice @peterme @migurski @vruba @mizmay @llimllib @randometc @meetar @npseaver @stefpos @air_pump @diagram @yoz @gsvoss @prehensile @nelson @v @feralresearch @KevinMarks @inverse @dymaxion @jonty @shashashasha @mistertim @sparks @ngsmcphrsn this thread is like modern day hermetic writing and cyber esoteria. Please send more
@air_pump @feralresearch @nelson @migurski @mistertim @burritojustice @peterme @vruba @mizmay @llimllib @randometc @meetar @npseaver @stefpos @diagram @gsvoss @prehensile @v @KevinMarks @inverse @dymaxion @jonty @shashashasha @sparks @ngsmcphrsn
I found a good website which I believe to be relevant to this thread. https://dimensions.com/
@npseaver @air_pump @feralresearch @nelson @migurski @mistertim @burritojustice @peterme @vruba @mizmay @llimllib @randometc @meetar @stefpos @diagram @gsvoss @prehensile @v @KevinMarks @inverse @dymaxion @jonty @shashashasha @sparks @ngsmcphrsn that's one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen
@dymaxion @npseaver @yoz @air_pump @feralresearch @nelson @migurski @burritojustice @peterme @vruba @mizmay @llimllib @randometc @meetar @stefpos @diagram @gsvoss @prehensile @v @KevinMarks @inverse @jonty @shashashasha @sparks @ngsmcphrsn wow, "Dad" properly damned with faint praise there
@dymaxion this is v. good thank you.
@vruba @mizmay @llimllib @randometc @meetar @npseaver @stefpos @air_pump @diagram @yoz @gsvoss @prehensile @nelson @v @feralresearch @KevinMarks @inverse @dymaxion @burritojustice @jonty @peterme @shashashasha @mistertim @sparks @ngsmcphrsn