Eric Adams is the worst but I do want to remind everyone that in the 2021 mayoral election our choices were him and the guy who literally runs a militia (and the primary options were pretty bad too!)


it is impossible to want to be Mayor of New York and not kind of suck, is what I'm saying

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Uspol, NYCpol, covid mention 


At this point, especially after the covid exodus and subsequent dip in rents, I'm fully convinced that the official job of "NYC Mayor" is solely to be a salesman to perpetuate the shell game/bubble that NYC is. To convince people that it is actually a desirable place to live, worth the enormously inflated cost of living, and especially to keep the rents [too damn] high.

Uspol, NYCpol, covid mention 

@float13 yeah it's a role largely beholden to real estate interests and the cops.

@Wolven she was probably the least worst? she was kind of involved in crafting a legal strategy to shield de Blasio doing some shady stuff with lobbyists but relative to "literally a crystals cop" what's a lil ethics violation

@ingrid usually they’re both evil and bad (Giuliani, Adams). The best you can hope for is a major who is evil but not bad (Bloomberg) or not evil but so very bad (DiBlasio)

@ingrid It doesn't help that New York Democrats have made a fetish of selling out their constituents

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