School, anxiety, school anxiety
Found out I will have to wait one more week to learn whether I am funded for the fall semester and my anxiety is so bad I briefly considered dropping out just to have some certainty, ha ha ha
School, anxiety, school anxiety
Anyway I think I'm pretty well useless for the rest of the day from the cortisol of this non-update, goodnight
School, anxiety, school anxiety
@ingrid would it help if someone were to mail you industrial grade anti-anxiety medication
School, anxiety, school anxiety
@danhon honestly why not I've tried a lot of angles here but not that
School, anxiety, school anxiety
@ingrid I highly recommend lorazepam if uh any is available
School, anxiety, school anxiety
@ingrid I'm sorry the entire structural organisation of HE is such bullshit. hang in there. if there is anyway to help, let me know. you're doing good work!
School, anxiety, school anxiety
@karengregory either way this goes I'm probably going to have a nervous breakdown? But not until like, November.
School, anxiety, school anxiety
@ingrid Ah, crap. Catch w/ your supervisor and plan a good rest. Absolutely no need to feed to the anxiety factory of HE with your life.
School, anxiety, school anxiety
@ingrid UGH they really should NOT be hanging this over your head this late in the game.
School, anxiety, school anxiety
@ingrid I'm sorry it's being so shitty to you
School, anxiety, school anxiety
The entire point of doing a PhD was to get some stability and in the absence of that this all starts to feel pretty pointless!! Maybe it is time to walk into the sea