
new odious discourse category: "the college students who want divestment don't understand how complicated stonks and investment portfolios are, this making divestment impossible"

idk man maybe the complexity rendering lots of people and institutions complicit in a genocide is the problem

@ingrid I'm seeing "well they should have checked their college's investment portfolio before applying"...

@geospacedman "ivy league students don't know what an S&P index fund is??"

yeah man some of them are just like, physics majors don't know what to tell you

@ingrid also, it's literally not that complicated? Large institutions with portfolios like that have account managers for sure. Call them and tell them you want to dump stock X and invest that money in stock (s) Y & Z. The end.

@ingrid I wonder if we are going to end up with any kind of reckoning about the educational – military – industrial complex and funding. Because the scale of the US military’s entanglement with US higher ed…

@ingrid if you hire a president whose job history is with the IMF and Bank of England it's clear that their job is asset management and that the student experience is an afterthought. which makes sense for a real estate holding company that happens to teach classes. but what do i know

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