
Oh fuck its probably not this but just occurred to me the GWOT people coming out of the woodwork to endorse Harris might be about her saying in that CNN interview that she'd put a Republican in her cabinet

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@ingrid Could be, but Liz Cheney co-led the Jan 6th investigation with no such promise.

GWOTters are *lawful* evil. They want a stable predictable order, brutally enforced, with them on top. Rule by current Dems ain't that, but it is semi-sane and gives them breathing room -- so it's better for them than Trump's crawling chaos.

Don't expect them to see eye-to-eye with progressives on anything else again, ever -- Bernie sure doesn't, but he thanked them for not being in the way just this once.

@ingrid when i read that she hired former Obama staffers to run her campaign my heart sank a bit.

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