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Neat post from Zach Hyman, the first in a while.

'One of the security guards thought to fabricate and attach custom handles, after becoming frustrated with the tops of the cones gradually wearing down and snapping off through repeated lifting and shifting. Parts were procured via Taobao, handles fashioned by the guard himself.'

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Hello fellow admins!

It would help users migrating from if you would temporarily add the following to /etc/hosts:

The domain was suspended this morning without warning.

For users attempting to migrate, there’s an alias domain for the UI setup at:

Thank you everyone for flying; sorry for the abrupt end, but it was out of my control, and you were all (hopefully) aware of this possibility anwyay.

Questions I didn't realise I needed to ask: has anyone infected themselves with something for ethnographic purposes? I was thinking ancient plagues but I can see other(really silly) uses by academics who don't want to talk to people who actually experience an illness.

ada boosted

everyone: 'move fast and break things' mentality doesn't exist in traditional engineering disciplines because people would die

boeing: hey

ada boosted

I remind you again that all the worst people have understood that magic is real and have worked to implement that understanding to the ends of grift, greed, and power-grabs; understand what that means and learn how to fight back.

"Crypto hedge fund CEO may not exist; probe finds no record of identity"

gonna try and hang out there more next year. this is a nice place, there's not many people

Police shooting, cop city 

Still thinking about how leftists going "armed resistance is great" "guns are a solution for self defence" led to someone having a pistol in their tent on a protest camp, and they got woken up at 9am by cops and we know the rest. The cops are to blame, but everyone who encourages guns without also encouraging collective ownership and management of them.

There's a big difference between armed sentries and a concealed carry pistol in your sleeping bag.

Police violence, cop city killing 

IDK this seems like this is more "giving your life engaged in armed struggle" than "poor unarmed protestor assasinated". Which is cool and the fault of cops, but a very different story.

(the downside of this is friends will need to follow me again but I'm ok just talking to the horses for now)

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(using this as a nice friendly tootplace, probably won't use @ada much unless twitter properly dies)

Can I still toot here? I moved everyone over onto the main

Spent an evening making DDOSproof(ish) backups for the QC websites so we don't have downtime for the wiki, which is critical infrastructure in the realest sense of the word.

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Good evening, Twitter was a 16 year sociological study conducted by Harvard University. We are now complete with our study. Thank you for your time.

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I wrote this guide to DMs on Mastodon last week (prob longer than it needed to be)

tl;dr: you should think of DMs as a courteous way of posting to other users directly b/c the convo is just of no value to anyone else & you don’t want to flood people’s feeds. It’s not a “privacy” thing. It’s a visibility thing.

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By the way, am I happy that Twitter is imploding right this moment?

As much as I'd like to celebrate -- and a part of me is -- I'm incredibly wary because:

1. Mastodon does not have the scale to successfully onboard users *that* quickly
2. The moderator-to-user ratio might be stretched too thin
3. Malicious actors might take advantage of the chaos, and undermine the Fediverse's longterm survival

Let's hope we survive this!

ada boosted

Automattic is one of the most important companies on the Internet.

They make Tumblr, WooCommerce, Akismet, LongReads, WordPress—among others.

WordPress alone powers ~44% of the world's websites.

More interesting: despite being such a large, dominant company, few people hate Automattic.

Why is this? 🧵


If you're getting rid of yout tweets: Here's a script with some v1.1 api credentials which works off an archive, so it should get _everything_.

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Repeat after me: all technical problems of sufficient scope or impact are actually political problems first.

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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.