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even worse than jury duty: being late for jury duty….

lost my wallet with my vaccine card and now I seem like an anti-vaxxer in they eyes of CUNY 😔

I lost my wallet on my way back from the airport and I’m losing it!

twitter straight up doesn’t load for me today…I am free from that garbage site!!!


there’s a part of me that’s like wtf am i doing with my life….I’m so bad at working and being a human

very cool to feel my body fall apart in response to stress

meaningful images only 

seeing a thing in the world that you considered making 2 years ago is a nice reminder that the only thing stopping u from making work is j sitting down and doing it lol

are there any art collectives that are not ill-conceived resource grabs??


burst into tears after painstakingly changing all the percentages in a draft to hard numbers at a reporter’s request, only to have the editor’s main note be to change all the hard numbers to percentages. why don’t you strangle me instead


pmsing or inconsolable despair???? you decide


union released our pay transparency survey o earlier this week and ive been in a tailspin ever since :/


a little sad as my vaccine appointment approaches bc it means my quarantine fling is probably coming to an end lmao :/

work, productivity 

today is the first day in a while where my brain will j not...get into Productivity Mode and while it sucks j to sit here it feels nice to realize that I’ve had a lot of good days recently


I should’ve applied for the wapo job when I had the chance, auuugh. I should just leave journalism lol

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I wish I weren’t so terrible at my job or even that I could just do data stuff at my job instead of trying to do the reporter-reporter stuff as well and then getting dinged when I’m bad at it (bc that’s not what my job is)

today im farting a lot, annoyed at my own approach to numbers,

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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.