How is everyone else coping
@ingrid meh.
@migurski I was looking for concrete activities but fair
@ingrid oh in that case: home & garden maintenance tasks like pruning the plum tree and clearing one of the gutters
@ingrid Reading to my granddaughter, most recently.
@ingrid imagining a utopia where our overlords realize they gotta act better
@ingrid Making like 8 DJ sets in the last month and a half and listening to them very loudly while dance-walking thru the streets, submerging myself in music.
Connecting in small ways to the humanity of random other people every once in a while helps too. Little moments of realness with strangers reminds me that this country isn't just made up of hordes of hateful boneheads
@ingrid short answer: it's a struggle
@ingrid i'm not, i'm pretty sure?