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Love the Amtrak conductor who asked the lady taking the train all the way to Springfield VA if she had snacks and said "that's what I'm talking about" when she said yes, thank you for affirming snacks sir

For the second time in my life yesterday I saw Björk walking around Brooklyn Bridge Park, treating this as a good omen

There are many things to be annoyed by with the Pulitzer Prizes AND ALSO it is very gross that savior porn Cobalt Red was a finalist for nonfiction!!

anyway tonight's the last class of the semester and i'm very happy to have worked with these extremely weird young people

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one of my students texted me to let me know they're not feeling well (giving them my number was probably a mistake) but also on my offhand recommendation they looked into actor network theory and deemed it "cool stuff" this week in sentences: lest this become, things simply happen, drop everything, just the crimes, a sudden mineralization, confection prevails, petulantly trivial, David Cross, a palpable quality

we're reading Vibrant Matter in my grad seminar and I just sent everyone a clip of Julio Torres' My Favorite Shapes as "a related lecture"

“NYPD Officer Fired Gun Inside Columbia’s Hamilton Hall, Manhattan DA’s Office Confirms”:
Also note this: “Cohen said no students and only police officers were in the immediate vicinity when the shooting occurred.” In other words, the officer had their gun drawnfor no reason and used flash-bangs when that would not be normal for this sort of situation. It is lucky that no one was killed. (It's probably also why the NYPD wanted no journalists or legal observers present.)

been wanting to make some plotter drawings to raise money for all the gaza gofundmes in my timelines so I started trying out the DEM-to-SVG approach with sentinel-1 data estimates of destroyed areas. Gaza's pretty flat so as terrain it doesn't quite have the same effect but the gaps are still a lot. This is a screenshot from a corner of Khan Younis. Once again I have to pay the monthly Shopify fee which means I am reminding everyone that I sell plotter drawings on Shopify, perhaps today you would like to buy a plotter drawing? There's a new one available also

Still thinking about the zoom chat screenshot a friend sent me of someone mad about Palestinian flags at some UD space saying that to be inclusive they should have other flags, "an Israeli flag or an American flag or an Italian flag"


Why are you bringing the Italianx community into this

@geospacedman "ivy league students don't know what an S&P index fund is??"

yeah man some of them are just like, physics majors don't know what to tell you

new odious discourse category: "the college students who want divestment don't understand how complicated stonks and investment portfolios are, this making divestment impossible"

idk man maybe the complexity rendering lots of people and institutions complicit in a genocide is the problem

told my students about how my DBT therapist encourages the mindset of assuming that everyone's trying their best and they vociferously disagreed, not sure how my therapist is going to take this

@parismarx lmao would you believe I have THOUGHTS on this

also related

One of my students did their final project for CS Ethics on decarbonizing the power grid and made a working model of a utility pole as part of their presentation, like the transformer worked and everything. I love teaching engineers

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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.