I'm really loving how Mastodon has become a refuge for all the grizzled seafarers on the ocean of the internet. They pop up in my feed and their bios all say something like

"I've been online for longer than the internet. I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. 56k modems on fire in the light of Usenet. I watched IRC forks glitter in the dark near the Gateway 3000. All those moments will be lost in slop, like tears in rain. Time to deshittify."


@Gizmo I loved the sound design and their little outfits


Okay that was really good

Bye AAG, I had a terrible time and cried a lot because prior to and during the conference I had some absolutely terrible work shit go down. I feel bad I wasn't able to be cool and fun and present. But I'm going home early so I can deal with my shit and not bring it to the conference.

Getting a lot of laughs IRL explaining my bad academia situation with the line "to be fair it was my mistake trusting a white woman"

@listrophy buttondown had put you in a list called "spammy"?? I don't know why but I put you back on the "definitely a person" list

Maybe the meanest thought I've had about another person 

Absolutely not a proportional response on my part, to be clear, I contain a darkness that poisons all it touches

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Maybe the meanest thought I've had about another person 

"I hope her son grows up to be an incel and she has to spend the rest of her life wondering what she did wrong"

Revisionist history is bad but the Cole Escola play "Oh, Mary!" is good

PSA - I'm working on some some online courses that I'll be launching very soon, skilling up folk (incl from less technical backgrounds) to deploy, maintain and grow low-cost sovereign server infrastructure to keep their communities safe.

Friend is researching a book and wants to visit science labs in Canada, especially related to the physics, space, or climate fields. Any suggestions? cc @scr @_nadine

Hate finding out, again, that there's no use trusting academics they'll always fuck up your situation

Food, duh 

Oh I'm crying because things are bad AND ALSO I haven't eaten today

The only thing I need to know to be sure Netflix's adaptation of The Electric State sucks is they cut the detail that the VR headsets make men lactate and nobody can figure out why

buttondown.com/perfectsentence this week in sentences: his heart, dinosaurs, a Piranesi etching, the other dads, hurt the world, impossible, the whole performance, ducklings, words they’re singing, content to punish, dust, an expiry, pristine ignorance's stroll


All I want for my birthday is a government shutdown tbh

put in a little time calling people who had volunteered for my city council member's re-election campaign to see if we could get them signed up for any more volunteer shifts. such a rare thing to cold call people and have them be like "cool, thank you, I appreciate this reminder"!

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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.