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@ranjit I picked it up from teaching undergrads, in general it seems to be used to mean violating assumed norms and/or lacking tact

@janet yes! when you're on day three of eating the giant pot of curried chickpeas made with whatever was in the cupboard, a little treat is all the more delicious

A law of the universe: the less money I have in my bank account the harder it is to deny myself a little iced coffee treat

The Space Shuttle had a 59-pound printer on board, known as the Interim Teleprinter. Putting this heavy printer in orbit cost $1.5 million per flight, but it was a key piece of flight hardware,
providing the astronauts with mission plans, weather reports, and other documents from Mission Control. Let's take a look inside... 1/12

respect to the sickos of open source maintaining experimental builds of node for ARMv6

I had to take a nap today because I read too hard yesterday, grad school is humiliating

Has Weird Al Yankovic weighed in on Election Discourse? It might not help with swing voters but polka voters will definitely engage

quals update: get so frustrated re-reading Discipline and Punish because unfortunately Foucault was right, a lot of things are like prisons. It sound trite now but he wasn't wrong!!

@mhedney OMG hello, your work specifically has been a balm and tremendously helpful (I am in the midst of quals reading)

To be clear I think critical cartography is fine as a thing to do, I just don't know if I need to think hard on how maps are theoretically rhizomes in a state of becoming to appreciate critical cartography

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Academic writing on critical cartography really does feel like people trying drugs for the first time

GIS history shitpost because I'm in that stage of exam reading 

@rainhead I'm going to Victoria and Vancouver next month and honestly so sad I don't have time for it

GIS history shitpost because I'm in that stage of exam reading 

is topology imperialist? is positivism my friend? should we go to Friday Harbor, should we invite Neil Smith

All #EarthEngine users recently got an email to link their account to a Google Cloud project. Google Cloud can be quite daunting for beginners, so we have compiled a simplified guide with FAQs to help you migrate your legacy GEE account to a cloud project.

thinking too much about couches 

@platypus can't even get to first base with the futon in our living room

You claim to be working class but you can afford a fuckable couch, curious

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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.