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other job (bible) stuff 

Ramsey texted me complaining that he read the Book of Job and thinks it's weak sauce that Job "got his stuff back"

job nonsense 

sent my draft cover letter, cv, and teaching statement to reference writing friends!! i'm not going to get this job but i'm one step closer to not having to think about it!!

@rst they figured it out eventually, one of the delivery guys had a way to contact the powers that be

Watching my friends at the neighborhood bakery navigate a hell pocket dimension wherein a customer called to complain abt a late GrubHub order so an owner personally delivered it. Delivery guys keep showing up to take the order bc there's no way to communicate that it was completed outside the app.

me: hi qualifying exams committee i would really like us to schedule my exams before the presidential election

committee: we did yr little scheduling poll and the only window we're all available is 10am on Election Day

well played, sickos

unfortunately thinking about how in 2021 the Paramount Plus iCarly reboot had an episode satirizing The Wing

Incredibly small potatoes but: I think SNL just hired its first legit TikToker? Jane Wickline is really good as a first pick from that realm

@rst ha! I was mostly joking, there's a whole academic lore about the importance and value of struggling through the first three chapters etc

But also amused by the idea of "optimizing" Marx to make the overthrow of capitalism more efficient lol

Has someone already tried to get ChatGPT to summarize the first three chapters of Capital asking for a friend

Back to Delaware for the first time since May tomorrow, would very much prefer not to

we're doing an episode of RIP Corp about The Wing and I've been dragging my feet so hard on it because every time I have to think about The Wing I feel kind of insane?? Never more aware of how bad I am at Gender than when I am faced with Things For The Ladies

listening to a 2002 Mountain Goats live show bootleg on the Internet Archive (another reason to treasure and protect the Internet Archive!!) and while I love the audience engagement it has nowadays, it's such a treat to experience an audience hearing "No Children" for the very first time

> The Oklahoma City Apple store in Penn Square mall, represented by the Communications Workers of America (CWA), just won their first tentative agreement with the corporation.



formatting my CV for academic job application and man, I sure am illegible lol

like: i am not going to get the job i am writing this teaching statement for, and that's fine probably, but it's such a bummer to remember that after getting all excited writing about how cool it is to see students come out the other side of a research rabbit hole

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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.