@stephen_cornford would love a copy for cash or plotter trade if you want more drawings
this set of questions was way more generative, like I laid down some foundations for parts of my dissertation over the last 48 hours which feels really good
https://buttondown.com/perfectsentences/archive/perfect-sentences-95/ this week in sentences: ghosts, born and born and born, tempts, boxed in
Wizard riddles update: I requested questions from my most annoying committee member first and they are pretty goofy but not actually hard?
@ashleygjovik congratulations!! huge news. appreciate you staying in the fight.
@janet thanks Janet. she was the love of my life, truly.
@inquiline I have taken such a resigned attitude to this part of the process that I am just happy to see an end in sight lol
@geospacedman what a beautiful family, I'm so sorry
"I couldn’t accept the moral calculus that prioritized the academic freedom of some U.S. and Israeli faculty over every other moral consideration, including the rights of the Palestinian people to be free from illegal occupation, free from violence, free from apartheid—and no less free to pursue research, scholarship, and learning than their Israeli counterparts"