Re-upping this on all my platforms, because we cannot tone down our condemnation of this unprecedented slaughter of journalists.
The apathy & indifference in Israel's killing of Palestinian media professionals (130 since 7/10/23 per the IFJ), including among many prominent journalists, is a chilling indictment of our industry as a whole.
Incredibly disturbed by the silence of friends and colleagues & those who cited "objectivity" for it. It has truly been an eye-opening year for journalism.
@stephen_cornford cool! just lmk where to send you monies.
@stephen_cornford would love a copy for cash or plotter trade if you want more drawings
this set of questions was way more generative, like I laid down some foundations for parts of my dissertation over the last 48 hours which feels really good this week in sentences: ghosts, born and born and born, tempts, boxed in
Wizard riddles update: I requested questions from my most annoying committee member first and they are pretty goofy but not actually hard?
@ashleygjovik congratulations!! huge news. appreciate you staying in the fight.
@janet thanks Janet. she was the love of my life, truly.
@inquiline I have taken such a resigned attitude to this part of the process that I am just happy to see an end in sight lol