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I'm supposed to read excerpts from Capital Vol III today, haha


Spent some time on r/GenZ last night reading all these missives from young men about why they voted for Trump, and the gender gap is extremely real and more concerning than even I had grasped. Even if you think these young men are entitled brats, the rest of us are living with the consequences of their politics, and this seems like something that the left needs to pay very close attention to. The older liberal hopes that the young will save us on many issues seems hopelessly naive to me.

one thing they didn’t teach us in school: in the days of the fugitive slave laws (1840s etc) crowds in places like Philly and Boston would sometimes protect escaped slaves from slave catchers. People would throw rocks and fruit at the slave catchers. Judges and clerks might stall and slow down their work. Many white people just complied with the laws, but some didn’t. Escaped slaves were often armed and so were their allies.

sent an email to my 10th grade social studies teacher today thanking him for making us watch Manufacturing Consent and read Arendt and unfortunately preparing me to understand the last few decades, because I thought it might be a nice thing to tell him on a shitty day

(I did not tell him that I was thinking of pivoting to becoming a high school social studies teacher)

Stupid self absorbed feeling in the face of all this 

Holy shit I miss my dog right now

life change thoughts had this morning in wake of election that I can share on the TL 

@colinmford man I said things I can share on the tl lol

life change thoughts had this morning in wake of election that I can share on the TL 

- I guess I'm definitely volunteering for my Muslim city councilwoman's re-election campaign (she's facing a zionist primary challenger)

- maybe I should pivot to getting credentialed to be a high school social studies teacher to try and deal with some root cause shit going on here

Mozilla layoffs 

I knew Nabiha would be bad news for the org but damn

putting together a little guest geospatial data tutorial for a friend where i'm going to do an intro to mapshaper and once again blown away by how good mapshaper is

@jenlowe to be fair, some of her songs are about being hot and good at drag

@ntnsndr it can, although Chappell tends to be pretty direct about the horniness of her work

Saw someone reading Chappell Roan's new song on SNL as a stealthy Kamala endorsement ("she gets the job done" chorus) and I don't totally know how anyone could hear that song as being about anything other than the fact lesbians are better at fucking, ie the premise of most Chappell Roan songs

I still think doing my quals oral exam tomorrow morning was the right call over waiting until after the election is called but man, what weird vibes

@forestofthings thanks! it has been helpful for keeping me present with texts and makes for a funny sort of diary

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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.