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I'm so excited about the sentences I get to send out tomorrow for the newsletter!!

I'm finally going through my National Archives materials from my first trip so I did a little blog about a particularly prickly letter that I found:

another yoga shitpost 

I also had to explain what Howl's castle looked like so that probably didn't help as the teacher also had no reference for baba yaga??

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another yoga shitpost 

today the yoga teacher told us to envision ourselves as "a castle" and I immediately visualized uh Howl's moving one. got a very "I love that for you" response when I told the teacher this after class

Is there an application process, how do I become Dad destroyer of worlds

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also while I'm pretty sure I don't want to have children and I didn't land in a situation where I'm financially stable even though no one is entirely sure what I do, I feel like I should be allowed to be an Internet Dad at this point?

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was talking to a friend today about being at a point in his career where he no longer has to be "shiny" (ie constantly hustling) and I now wonder if I should be referring to this current time in my life as my matte era

at the end of the meditation we were supposed to become one with the angel self so I'm feeling pretty spooky today

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today in yoga class the teacher had us do a guided meditation where we envisioned our "angel self" and I immediately went with a Biblically accurate glowing creature covered in eyes

sent out my first newsletter of best sentences I read last week: featuring Gramsci, Claire Vaye Watkins, horse_ebooks, Malcolm Harris, and Robert Caro

update: realizing basically what I want in terms of typography and layout is a grimoire as a website

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so @courtney made the very fair point that "everyone is doing blobby websites" these days so maybe it's time to go all out and finally make my website where everything is in a triangle

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1) holy shit I implemented a pay what you want plan on Ghost
2) my current design strategy is "what if add blobs to minimalist template" and it's a little too Memphis probably but I'm having fun

website itself is very much Under Construction but for those who might be so inclined it's

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yikes yikes yikes I just sent my official "here's the steps to join my little Ghost site-in-progress" message to my Patreon patrons, time to lose a lot of income!!

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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.