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this drawing of a crystal in the national archives was such a treat to stumble upon today

I don't know if I'm ever going to get over learning that the guy who created the World Economic Forum expects that he'll someday receive a Nobel Peace Prize for doing this

I love my mom but definitely feels like 90% of the time we're just talking past each other and I've just learned to accept that as a relationship

Happy 5th anniversary to Tom Hardy filming Venom in front of Mule Design Studio and Gallery.

Realizing that supply chain research is actually a skill set useful to the Federal Reserve I briefly looked at research jobs there but I think my tendency to call economics "cute when it pretends to be science" would be a hindrance

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The guy at the Federal Reserve I'd been emailing with about semiconductor supply chains got in touch a few days ago and it was very funny to only me to say in an email to a Fed economist "given the recession I'm pretty sure I'm sticking around for a PhD"

this week in sentences: a continuous skeleton, regrettable habits, our constant enemy, Icarus' pivot, the requirements of art, a bag of words

getting a haircut today with a new stylist who I hope will understand what I mean when I say I want my hair to produce confusion about my gender better than the stylist who kept giving me femme cuts

emo shit 

fuck, boygenius is pretty good huh

started looking at autoharps last night because I like the idea of an instrument that is so awkwardly shaped that I can basically hide behind it

Hi Fediverse! We're EMMA, a small worker-owned creative technology cooperative from NYC. We are software engineers, artists, game designers, teachers & organizers.

We created EMMA in 2022 as a way to support each other & combine our freelance practices. We had a great first year and we're excited about 2023.

You can learn more about who are at

If you are interested in working with us or discussing coops & technology, this account is a great way to start the conversation!

#coop #cooperative #nyc #intro

oh no I keep getting sucked into ai art discourse 

why do people insist on talking about this stuff as though the companies building these tools aren't getting or trying to get obscenely rich

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oh no I keep getting sucked into ai art discourse 

I am begging everyone who wants to tell me about photography and what-if scenarios with AI art to google "historical materialism", please, my family is dying

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oh no I keep getting sucked into ai art discourse 

respectfully: even most of the people who think they agree with me are wrong!! lol

Sometimes at the dog park this guy with two tiny papillon dogs will come by. In my mind I call them The Little Lords, Launcelot and Fauntleroy, and they always skitter around the park as though they are encountering commoners for the first time. I love them and never want to learn their real names.

making a zine for Valentine's Day of just dedication pages from books I like

Feel like right now is a really horrible time for me to be realizing maybe I'm actually just a historian

things I'm always amazed We're Still Doing when I'm reminded of them: CES, the World Economic Forum, the British monarchy

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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.