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I am regrettably good enough to do data science now but no one hires that freelance I think so I'm safe

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I started to read the lemons blog post and once again feel good about the fact I have deliberately remained a competent enough web developer for personal projects but never actually became good enough to be a professional because wow this all sounds really dumb this week in perfect sentences: recursive zk-SNARKs, a map after the fact, Kate Berlant, sedentary nudists, Pothole Blasting for Wildlife, magic tricks, Port Authority

it really fucks me up that Salinger dedicated The Catcher in the Rye to his mom, feels passive aggressive

I had to give a zoom talk for art students this morning so now I'm more or less useless for the rest of the day, this is reasonable

if someone asked me "what's the big idea" I would be delighted to talk to them about anarcho-syndicalism tbh

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"What's the big idea" is a fun phrase because I would be curious to know if a broader conceptual framework underlies a minor slight I'm experiencing

can't believe Stanzi Potenza has turned me into the kind of guy who goes to comedy shows

has there ever been a director/actor duo more perfectly paired than M. Night Shyamalan and Rupert Grint

working on talk slides and once again trying to figure out how to answer the inevitable "how do you stave off nihilism/depression working on bummer topics" question with something more uplifting and practical than "I'm heavily medicated and I got a dog"

Today, the US #NLRB issued a finding of merit in two of my charges against #Apple. The NLRB agreed with my claim that Apple's NDAs & employee policies are unlawfully restrictive & chilling to the point of violating federal labor law

The best part of this is that these charges are about Apple's employee policies & statements made to workers nationally. Apple's remedy will also need to be national. All the hell the last two years is worth it for this. Let us be free. 🕊️ 💙

the millennial urge while making slides for a talk for art students to include a screenshot of the $323 in your bank account right now just to be clear that you are absolutely not a role model

It's basically impossible for anyone in the mid-20th century to not sound like a woo woo guy when writing about quartz apparently

rebranding believing in New Deal policies and wealth taxes as "fiscal conservatism" because believing America should do stuff it was doing nearly 100 years ago seems pretty conservative to me

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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.