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just got a spam email from someone claiming to have a high purity quartz mine in Pakistan

Valentine, you bring tears to my eyes like the baby Yoda puppet's graceful countenance. Only Jon Favreau's cowardice could ever separate us

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Kitty has a best friend she sees at the dog park sometimes named Casey, and Casey's people invited us to their baby shower this weekend which is very nice of them but also I keep playing out having to tell strangers "oh, our dogs are friends" when asked how I know them

I very recently learned that the term “boycott” comes from someone’s actual name: Charles Boycott. Boycott was an English land agent who tried, in 1880, to collect unpayable rents from Irish peasants on behalf of an English aristocrat landlord. When he failed to collect the rents, he tried evicting the tenants. The Irish Land League responded with a campaign to ignore Boycott’s orders and isolate him socially and economically.

They not only ignored his eviction orders and threw manure at his process servers, but refused to deliver his mail or sell him food.

It was pretty effective—the British government eventually had to deploy a thousand soldiers (naturally, because the state works for the propertied class and none more than the 19th century British state) at a cost of some £10,000 to harvest £500 worth of crops. Boycott had to be evacuated by the soldiers, who even had to drive him out, as no locals would agree to drive his carriage out of the region.

Imagine being cancelled so hard that your name becomes permanently associated with getting cancelled.

Pedro Pascal shaking his head ruefully like 'all the maps are wrong'

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gonna get into writing prestige TV just so GIS classes can show other clips of fictional characters talking about maps

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literally illegal for a GIS class to not show that one West Wing clip about Mercator

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logging on to my online class from the Amtrak lounge

stupid web dev joke 

telling me you're going to have a SPA day and that actually means using ten thousand javascript libraries to make a web page instead of snoozing in a sauna and maybe putting some lil cucumbers on your eyes? no thanks

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stupid web dev joke 

feel like referring to a web site as a "SPA" when the web site is not relaxing in any way is a bit of false advertising

listening to Kimya Dawson like it's 2004, still good

no one told me that the whole point of these books was that spies suck lol

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I'm sorry it took me this long to read Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy

my mom mailed me a tin of Berger cookies, feeling very Baltimore nostalgic now

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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.