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BREAKING: "This is not a place of honour? No esteemed deed is commemorated here? Not so fast, says archaeologist Erik Jones, digsite lead

happy new The Hold Steady and new boygenius albums day to all who celebrate

me: talks about how recent financial precariousness has been really stressful for most of therapy

also me: goes to a bookstore and buys a novel after therapy

WE DID IT! The Texas Observer will remain open!

Our board just voted to rescind both the layoffs and the closure. We'll have more news soon, but we believe this is the start of a very positive transformation at our publication—and you were a huge part of it. THANK YOU! You proved to the world that #TexasNeedsAnObserver!

#Fediverse #Mastodon #WeWin

wild spring break shenanigans 

the console log on H&R Block's tax software is really something else

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wild spring break shenanigans 

doing my taxes

"feel like we really need to be more cautious about widespread use of capitalism until we can make sure the capitalism doesn't have bias"

convinced myself there's a music genre called "murder surf"

why is looking at a screen still such a pain post-thesis, this is so annoying

new bad idea 

a play based on the events of the 1956 Dartmouth Workshop ( with a chorus of screaming rocks

It's wild to think like ten years ago the energy consumption of data centers was basically treated as a non-issue and now it's used in weird propaganda framings where (implicitly usesless, bad) "cat videos" hinder (implicitly good, important) ammunition manufacture. If it were any other tech company's data center or an IX or even crypto I think this framing would be very, very different.

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remembering the time I ruined @nasser's day when I told him people call it "scrollytelling"

world pol, israel 

I don't want to come across as a smug "why are you shocked" guy and also I am still having a hard time with "oh no must protect democracy in the apartheid enforcing ethno-state"

Has anyone noticed that all the new Telstra pit covers have a little NFC logo in one corner? I scanned one and sure enough, it’s a blank MiFare tag embedded in the plastic.
Unfortunately iPhone won’t write to it because it’s not already NDEF formatted, but an android device probably would. this week in sentences: metallurgy, as new as tomorrow, the missiles may have always already been launched, more ancient, glittering electrons like cocaine

Final count was like 30,000 ish words

and I just noticed the conclusion ends with an unfinished sentence ha ha ha

it's OK there's some time for revisions before it goes to the university

I'm so tired

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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.