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unfortunately I know computer things 

I'm auditing a data science class this semester and I'm annoyed that I can tell that this instructor is rushing through a bunch of ML stuff which means I unfortunately know enough ML stuff to know what he's rushing, this sucks


got comments back on my thesis and while there's some stuff I need to revise I'm so glad I have such a smart and supportive advisor!!

also, not the most important part but "Harlan Crow" would be a good name for like, Benoit Blanc's nemesis

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OK I'll admit, this Clarence Thomas news might be a bigger deal than the Barbie movie

having a lot of fun when people try to talk to me about the "big news" yesterday by assuming they mean the Barbie trailer dropping

thinking about that scene in Lady Bird where Timothee Chalamet tries to put Lady Bird's personal problems in perspective by talking about all the civilians killed in Iraq

@ingrid got that aqua song stuck in my head but "i'm a barbie girl / destroyer of worlds"

honestly am prepared to believe that the Barbie movie has better politics than Chris Nolan's Look At The Tortured Geniuses Who Built A Genocide Machine, So Hard To Be Them

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I know it's not intentionally opening the same day as Chris Nolan's Oppenheimer biopic but it's going to be hilarious if Oppenheimer gets obliterated at the box office by the Barbie movie

side note: gluten-free is next-level, but swapping out butter with coconut oil in a basic flour-ice water pie crust totally just works if you need to cut out dairy

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one was made without dairy for friends with a baby who is allergic to bovine proteins (which is a nightmare for parenting), one made regular just to see if I could, and one regular one made tonight for our neighbors who just had a baby

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have made three (3) quiches in the last three (3) days?? en español, a new overview of the corporate ownership of Argentina's lithium industry. The fact that most of the big US financial players involved in these mines also own Argentinian sovereign debt bonds is I guess unsurprising but seems kind of important?

look, AA is not perfect and there's plenty of antiquated vibes to it depending on where you do recovery but it's pretty hard for an AA meeting to collect and sell participants' personal information is all I am saying

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I don't think we talk about Orthocera enough. Everyone is like "Yeah and then for awhile there were 30ft long squid-like creatures in dunce caps... anyways moving right along..."

And I just want to say "Hold up... HOW long?"

I bet deep in the ancestral memory of the octopus and the deep sea squid they remember... Ancestors. The Pointy Ones.

We need to shut down all evolution until we can find out what's going on!

Trevor Paglen's New Big Art Project being basically an unholy mashup of ARG and NFT somehow tracks

did everyone know that the New Jersey governor's mansion is nicknamed "Drumthwacket"

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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.