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there was just a baby in the late 19th century named Husband

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Google naming its AI for journalisms tool "Genesis" is a lot

#Google is trying to #kill the #OpenWeb.

Using the proposed "Web Environment Integrity" means websites can select on which devices (browsers) they wish to be displayed, and can refuse service to other devices. It binds client side software to a website, creating a silo'd app.

This penalizes platforms on which the preferred client side software is not available.

While we are all talking about #union activity in the entertainment industry, #IATSE has an open public petition to #Disney to pressure them to voluntarily recognize membership in IATSE local 839, The Animators Guild, for its animation studios Production Coordinators, Production Managers, and Production Supervisors.

As many if not most of you know, I have been writing about the ethical, epistemological, and social implications of of GPT-type tools since shortly after they hit the scene, and I've been writing about those same implications in "A.I." for a lot longer than that.

Now I am proud to present my article "Bias Optimizers," wherein American Scientist Magazine gave me the space and time to talk about those all of those things, to a very wide audience. I hope you enjoy it:

granted, I do all of that work on a $500 monthly retainer because the show is the passion project of a mostly podcasts-for-brands shop so it doesn't feel like a huge part of my professional output but like, it's a good show and I'm pretty good at doing it

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I like how most days I am very demoralized about media and my prospects of getting a job or selling another book or whatever but also for three years I have been the lead researcher, writer, and host of a banger podcast about capitalism and how weird and dumb it is

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in honor of today being Dan Snyder's last day as the DC football team owner please enjoy this old episode of RIP Corp where we detailed the time he ran Six Flags into the ground

Having a real "18 dollars in my bank account" sort of day

happy announcement of a new Mountain Goats album specifically about a recurring character from the band's lengthy oeuvre, best known from a song about a motorcycle, to all who celebrate

Last night we picked up takeout for dinner and we crossed paths with of my favorite dog and person duos on the street and the dog (a little guy named Gino) started running towards us when he recognized us and there just are few feelings more delightful than a dog being just thrilled to see you

Hey #Journalism #mastodon, @mongabay is hiring an Indigenous news reporter. Please apply if this if you:

"Recognizing that life experiences and perspectives are critical to report effectively on issues related to Indigenous peoples and communities, Mongabay is seeking candidates who identify as Indigenous or have extensive experience living and working in Indigenous communities."

#Indigenous #News #Environment #Jobs

Include sex workers in your labor organizing. Sex workers' rights are workers' rights.

That one episode of The Bear 

I know we're all supposed to be excited about Ryan Gosling in the Barbie movie but for me personally I am really focused on having an Ebon Moss-Bachrach summer

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That one episode of The Bear 

looking for the redemption arc that ends with me becoming a suit guy please advise

computers are pretty cool but its a good thing theyre not real! can you imagine!! it would be a disaster!!!

I don't post about work much here, but I spent 5+ years working on Vox Media's CMS Chorus. Straight up built my career by growing, refactoring and hacking on it.

Two things I learned:

- All code is dies. Some sooner than later.
- The most rewarding work is anything that reduces pain points for coworkers and customers.

Sad to see Chorus is shutting down. A lot of great engineers and writers worked on and in it, and I'm thinking about them today 💖

Heads up, @cfaworkers has made a call for public support of their nascent union, which is facing union-busting tactics.

If you think civic tech workers deserve a union, this is the time to voice it to Code for America's leadership—specific instructions at the bottom of the post:

one of those "spend two hours writing one email" kind of days

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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.