this week in sentences: dick-choking deaths, there and beckoning, hollow imprint, Wikipedia, oil slick, naturally
Went to see a documentary about the organizing and resistance of a village in the Sanrizuka Struggle ( and it was a good reminder of what solidarity in struggle can look like. Have been feeling very atomized and alienated lately and it's good to remember this is a structural dynamic and other ways exist!!
Update: the person who inspired this tweet just announced on IG that he has a book deal for a book about...birds!! And suddenly it all makes sense.
Honestly I am probably being too cynical about this but one of the bummers of NYC hustle culture is the need to monetize hobbies
It would appear banana guy and the laboratory are two different guys called Cavendish my bad
Towards the end of this train ride my seatmate, an older guy, complimented my Nostromo hat and told me he used to have one himself but it got worn out. The couple in the row across, clearly richer than me and my seatmate, looked stricken with horror that in the final minutes of the ride someone dated violate the sanctity of the quiet car. Honestly hilarious