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The cascade of Means Girls promotion on my IG feed is only confirming my beliefs that Renee Rapp has the range to play both the Tridentarius twins from The Locked Tomb books

testing out a pipeline of STRM data to STL to's SVG renderer, gel pens can be a little hit or miss but overall promising I think?

update: this was partly my own fault I shared the wrong link to the doc and no one told me lol

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haha love the part of organizing a group effort where you set up the google doc, start writing the project proposal, share the document, leave some open questions because people said they'd pitch in, and then receive suggested changes to the document via group text

tonight's my first class after like 5 years of not adjuncting in person and I have to remember that undergrads are like spiders: more afraid of me than I am of them

Ramsey just said "oh my god" in a very shocked voice while in the bathroom and I was worried like he had found a cancer lump or lost a tooth or something weird and bad but when he came out of the bathroom he said he just found out there's a new season of Big Top Burger this week in sentences: heedless abandon, clean emptiness, annelid worm, gray loaf, a good time, it would cuss you out, spaghetti clubs, not beauty

also: I will probably end sales on the quarterly plotter postcards I'm doing this year soon, it's just easier to plan with a fixed edition size. get em while the getting is good:

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“South Africa is not bringing up fringe accounts. It's reminding everyone of what has been in front of our faces these last 100 days.”

lining up guest speakers for classes I teach is so much fun because I get to remember how many cool people I am lucky to know

spent most of today doing tedious organizing of my class syllabus in Microsoft Teams for Education, which is somehow more annoying than Canvas? Yikes

A movie of The Mushroom at the End of The World but it's a globetrotting action movie starring Jason Statham as The Mushroom Hunter this week in sentences: precision itself, soak his powers in urine, frozen lake, pixel-patterns, beaver-seeking, military secret, scurrying, hot lead

Do we think Puss in Boots from Shrek would have fought with the Spanish anarchists or no

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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.