just a reminder that Microsoft wants to do lil nuclear reactors for data centers and that is apparently all going along smoothly
update: this was partly my own fault I shared the wrong link to the doc and no one told me lol this week in sentences: heedless abandon, clean emptiness, annelid worm, gray loaf, a good time, it would cuss you out, spaghetti clubs, not beauty
also: I will probably end sales on the quarterly plotter postcards I'm doing this year soon, it's just easier to plan with a fixed edition size. get em while the getting is good:
I added two new plotter editions to my online store, one that's pricey and one that's pretty cheap: and
“South Africa is not bringing up fringe accounts. It's reminding everyone of what has been in front of our faces these last 100 days.”
'Impossible' to create fabulous coat without stealing Dalmatian puppies says woman this week in sentences: precision itself, soak his powers in urine, frozen lake, pixel-patterns, beaver-seeking, military secret, scurrying, hot lead