to the exclusively men who feel obligated to tell me when there's a typo: don't worry I just spotted it lol this week in sentences: imponderables, humble farmer's son, the eternal story, horny jail, anthropomorphized, a nest
I am about to turn 37 so naturally I am thinking about how in the movie "To Gillian on her 37th Birthday" the 37 year old protagonist played by Peter Gallagher has a beach house and a boat and I'm pretty sure tenure in a literature department which I struggle to believe could buy two houses and a boat even in the 1990s just re-read this essay I wrote in 2018 and while I think it turned out OK I don't love that the general vibes have not changed even a little bit since I wrote it
I felt like a dork signing on when it's not like anyone was asking me to participate in projects anymore as I slide into cultural irrelevance but now I guess I did the right thing this week in sentences: too much evidence, baroque architecture, through a computer, consistency of a milkshake, candle purchasing, rasps, clover, bright shrapnel, distinct flavour, threats
To be clear I would not trade this, the sitting on a couch crying with my dog, for anything in the world, I can't believe my luck getting to have this dog not a casting I would have expected but we love to see an Armenian-American character actor winning!!
(to the tune of "Secret Tunnel" from ATLA) sludge filled tunnel / burning your skin / sludge filled tunnel / toxic toxic sludge filled tunnel this week in sentences: a crystal without faces, where there is dirt, expensive, one's hammer, mistaking a melancholy, something forgotten, another problem