this week in sentences: Werewolf Month, first theft, gendered, exhausting, rectangles and, hackers, worms
live now at, will start reading names in a few minutes
Why should I be excited to have Kathy Hochul involved in my relationship via paperwork I ask you
As the grad student in the relationship I so rarely get to be the one bringing financial benefits to the household so that's nice but god I don't want to make a thing of it this week in sentences: the assembling of machines, a frozen head, filled with amethyst, life without history, incredible, boundaries to disappear
the only voice on it at the moment is my own, but the memorial is designed to receive contributions from the world
the idea is to record the names of the dead of gaza in all the voices and accents of the world. a small gesture of global solidarity with the oppressed in the face of zionism and the attempted erasure of Palestine.
if you feel moved to participate, the memorial will be more complete with your voice, and i would appreciate it greatly.
since november ive been putting together a memorial to the martyrs of gaza. it is complete enough that i am sharing it with the world this afternoon. boosts welcome.
it is a simple list of the names of the dead read aloud, bearing witness to their loss, acknowledging each one of them as a complete human being, a story cut short by ethnonationalist projects and empire, someone who deserved more.
i don't buy from uline for my shop because of this! if anyone has questions about where i get shipping materials and shop stuff without them im happy to point you toward the best stuff i've found
minor good news
it is unfortunate that much of the extra $900 a month will mostly go to my rent which is going up next month but like I'll take it