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Working on some plotter drawings on vintage tracing paper and oh no do I have to make light boxes for these it looks really cool

A friend's baby is arriving today and I haven't had time to fix the world so it looks ok when they get here, fuck

my pretty damn gentrified neighborhood in brooklyn can be a bit much but an ice cream place down the street has been having a live jazz band outside on wednesday nights for...reasons? and it's nice to get to hear live music out my window

was reminded just now that they made a special beanie baby to commemorate when Princess Diana died, the 90s were such a weird time

worldpol bad 

look i don't want to make this about me here but it really fucking sucks waiting to hear if my Lebanese in-laws are ok (they are) and worrying about how much worse this is all about to get

Philadelphia nerds and some subset of fedi nerds: Anna Tsing (!!) is giving a lecture at Penn tonight (!!) that will also be live streamed (!!) and is about a new body of work she's doing on CONCRETE (!!!!!!!)

"Mr. Lochridge, an experienced submersible pilot from Scotland, said he tried to calm his boss down and asked him to hand over the PlayStation controller that was used to pilot the vessel."

There was a little blue eyed cat meowing plaintively at the top of a stoop on my walk home like he really wanted to get into the building. No one answered the front door so I tried the basement entrance and the lady who came to the door was so relieved--she couldn't hear him downstairs--and took him inside. He immediately chilled out in her arms.

Just a wholesome little neighborly encounter, idk wanted to share

Cursed Mountain Goats shitpost 

A jukebox musical of Tallahassee but it's performed by Fred Willard and Catherine O'Hara in Waiting for Guffman, entirely in character with the same production quality

Job nonsense 

I am trying to view it as not a total waste of time either way because like, I wrote a cover letter and a teaching statement and made a comprehensive CV, but it is sort of annoying realizing that it might not even get read.

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Job nonsense 

I'm starting to suspect that this job I'm applying for is a front for a hire they already have lined up, like they're poaching someone from another school and need to pretend to be hiring. Either that or they really, really don't have their shit together and don't know what they want.

Had to explain Mister Gotcha to a room full of not extremely online people today

Hot take I'd accept no benches in Penn Station if they brought back the clicky clacky time table

Filling the robots with the worst milk was such a clutch move tbh

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The buildup to Harry Dean Stanton's death is so fuckin gorgeously shot

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Update we're watching original recipe Alien and god it slaps

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I thought Ramsey wanted to rewatch Alien but he torrented Romulus and said he had made a gcal invite titled "alien baja blast" which he assumed I would understand my friend Lindsay did a big long piece for the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel about the impact of local data center development and I'm so proud of her!! Regional coverage is very important for this topic!! this week in sentences: dreadful innocence, End of Pants, malaise and satisfaction, leitmotif, cufflinks, squalid and ferocious, luxurious Hamburger Helper, notably

So is Henri Lefebvre's whole thing just making getting annoyed at a figure of speech his entire personality or is there more here

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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.