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Transmission #9728 from █████ ███████ ██ (TS/SCI)

1. Eldritch Magick
2. Unbearable Dust it is a minor thing but: SNL cast one of my favorite gen z TikTok comedians this season and she got to do a bit last night and I feel like a proud parent for no good reason

the quartz mine is like a way less funny version of the ever given

Chair of my department sent out info on a "peace studies" fellowship for PhD candidates funded by the DoD, anyway satire is dead

God being broke is so embarrassing when the world's already falling apart

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I would like to do some fundraising for Helene mutual aid and Gaza and Lebanon via drawings soon but unfortunately have to get out of the negative bank balance first

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added a new plotter drawing to my shoppy shop today: also am currently in a pretty bad place cash-flow wise so if you have been thinking you'd like some plotter art now's a good time to buy this week in sentences: except everything, building rn, burgers, theorists of all persuasions, putrescence, flicker

mozilla and wordpress going full heel turn feels like a real "always has been" moment for the death of the web 2.0 dream

had a real awkward interaction with my neighbor when he asked how Ramsey and I are doing in a totally normal "how's it going neighbor" kind of way and I assumed he meant it in a "because Ramsey's entire immediate family is in Beirut" way, he was nice about it at least

the anthropocene is a very useful concept i just think it's funny how academics lose their minds at "fun new word just dropped"

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Maersk, one of the shipping corporations at the center of the dockworkers strike, has recently spent over $6.5 billion on stock buybacks for its wealthy shareholders.

Don't tell me shipping companies can't afford to share their record profits with their workers.

That being said I love when Mari is in town because in her absence I wonder if I made her up, last night she regaled us with the story of how she was in a tertiary way involved in stopping a recent coup attempt in DRC and that her project making apps for snails is over bc the snails all died

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Last night a friend visiting from out of town casually mentioned some mutual friends had told her they were concerned that I've been isolating and that I'm not okay

And I mean, obviously, but it kind of stinks to learn that everyone can see

Western outlets doing everything possible to avoid saying that #Israel is invading my country #Lebanon. This is nothing less than complicity.

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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.