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dog medical stuff, :/ 

anyway I'm very behind on a grant proposal and I'm crying because of how much I love my dog, TGIF I guess

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dog medical stuff, :/ 

also we are buying an enormous ramp for our bed because teaching her not to sleep on the bed is simply not an option lol

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dog medical stuff, :/ 

Kitty is on six weeks of rest for a disc injury and while it's a far better doctor's orders than the alternative of needing major spinal surgery, it's a reminder that she's getting old and we don't get infinity years with her. I love her so much and I just want to give her the best life I can for as long as I can.

bought a bunch of vintage graph paper for some drawings I want to make guess you could say they'll be in.....grids 😎

It's fun living with a software engineer who's never touched geospatial stuff and explaining things like the standard file format for spatial data in the industry is actually four files in a zip and watching the will to live drain from his eyes

seeking examples of website designs that handle footnotes nicely, please share thank you

amazing that of all the things Ronald Reagan totally fucked up and ruined, he couldn't actually pull off privatizing Landsat

A follow up 🧵 on some of the most useful and powerful new features of Palestine Open Maps #PalOpenMaps relevant to #NakbaDay #Nakba #Nakba75

My previous thread can be found here
(Also, read on for a little treat at the end of the thread!)
1/7 posting it here late but this week in sentences: lupine duel, ambient familiarity, hardening skeleton, your strongest grandmother, Texan teenage

Try to make sense of this. Try! 🤣 It's not possible...

It is surreal but clarifying. This is how colonialism works.

The fiscal "oversight" board has by default absolute powers. How so? Because it is for some purposes "sovereign" 😂 as part of Puerto Rico. But c'mon now...We all know that Puerto Rico is not sovereign. So the board is in reality accountable to the US Congress alone.

Today is #MEAwarenessDay - the public needs to learn about the millions of people missing from society, unable to work and life their lives due to this often debilitating illness. For me, Covid triggered ME, in addition to other conditions.

Places I am often or always missing from: community and cultural events, volunteering in the community, restaurants and bars, 20 hours of my working life, parties, travel, the allotment, the outdoors.

With this illness there is a spectrum. I have mild ME, as I am still able to leave the house and do some activity if I pace myself. For example, I worked and had to travel yesterday and today and tomorrow I am on the sofa at home.

But people with severe ME are bedbound and cannot tolerate any stimulus at all (light, sound, touch) and many are fed through tubes. We need help and treatments for them urgently. For decades not enough money was invested in research. This is starting to change but we need to pressure governments for more.

#MissingMillions #MECFS

I saw a mysterious fiducial marker in the sidewalk near a ridge top in North Seattle and I immediately thought of @ingrid and the visible marks of mostly invisible systems of civic technology.

I think it says "terrane control" and is perhaps about surveying hillslope slippage.

my flight response is kicking in and instead of working on grant applications I'm looking at job postings, maybe I just want to do a normal job for a while instead of writing a book and taking qualifying exams

"Why are the world’s richest people obsessed with preparing for the apocalypse? Because they’re edging us all toward it. It’s as if, Rushkoff writes, they’re trying to build a car that goes fast enough to escape from its own exhaust."

I know NPR is pretty terrible but I still feel such a sense of comfort when I hear the "All Things Considered" theme song, it is a sound of childhood

it is wild to me that universities are out here demanding their adjuncts have PhDs

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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.