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tootin my own horn 

also I looked so freakin cute in that video!!

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tootin my own horn 

going back to this talk I gave in 2019 when I first started researching early high purity quartz sourcing for the first computer chips ( and four years later I totally fucking proved my hypothesis in my master's thesis, go me

look I understand why Web Mercator is the standard projection for all the maps on the internet I just think it's funny there's so many wild ass projections we never use, it's like if the entire Met Costume Collection was your closet and you just wore the same outfit every day

specifically though: every sea critter (and waterfowl??) can be conscripted into impromptu musical performances by this one crab. it's like that one scene in season 4 of westworld where tessa thompson makes the humans trapped in host-world perform an elaborate dance for her

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feel like Sebastian the crab has a weird amount of power and influence for a royal court composer

you ever think about how complimenting someone's cheekbones is kind of just saying "I like how your skull fits inside your flesh"

Also like: gotta feel bad for people who actively maintain their LinkedIn profile, even if they make about 10 times more money than me

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Climbing the corporate ladder? How embarrassing for you, congratulations

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LinkedIn lurking on enemies has way more schadenfreude than Insta lurking because at least I can take comfort in knowing people I dislike still have to have jobs and jobs famously are the worst

listening to the new Roomful of Teeth album on a phone speaker, as it was definitely meant to be heard

work, dog, pol 

I was feeling bad for not getting enough work done today and only just realized that in addition to my dog recovering from an injury I'm also just depressed about the world and maybe it's not my work ethic!! hahaha this sucks but good to not feel like a total shit lol

your company can have midjourney or email but it can't have both

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it has been pretty easy to convince people that proof of work crypto's resource use is A Problem because it concentrates wealth toward a legible discrete group of people w/o broader benefit but I think tech that 1) mostly is killing creative jobs and 2) at best diffuses profits to CEOs and shareholders is not really that different!

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still testing this out/trying to figure out how to phrase it: maybe we should just focus on the electricity and water use of computation instead of extrapolating to carbon because 1) companies flimflam with offsets/power purchase agreements and 2) a future of net zero carbon electricity sources will necessarily be constrained

it is truly astonishing how hard it is to get any work done when an anxious german shepherd is barking at you because she's stressed out by changes to her routine and requires frequent reassurance that she is not in fact in trouble

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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.