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The internalized hustle culture urge to push myself to do a lot of work when I am still barely out of the woods recovering from walking pneumonia

ughhhh all I want to do is start a small press and print shop it is a bad idea!!

who called it object oriented programming and not class struggle

"Close to the metal" is a fundamentally horny phrase and I think it's OK to admit that

Brooklyn during Fourth of July weekend would be a really good setting for an intimate psychological thriller IMO

the platform wars 

weird to realize so much of what's happening right now online bottoms out in the idea that a lot of people want to hang out at the mall

uh were any of you people who signed up to #threads actually paying attention to the onboarding flow? this week in sentences: gaping wounds, the only infirmity, scabrous, secret passages, methamphetamine armpit

Nervously, I close the bag. “No way,” I tell myself. “It’s not like she’s gonna count the fries.” I start to sweat.

ph, chest infection vibes 

update: they gave me antibiotics on the off chance I actually have whooping cough? haha

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ph, chest infection vibes 

I've been sick with a not-covid hell virus for a little over a week and last night/this morning the coughing got so bad that I was coughing up mucus with little flecks of blood in it. Technically I am doing "better" insofar as I don't have a fever anymore but coughing up blood seems like a bad trajectory? I am so tired

If you want to hear from the person who broke the story about SCOTUS using a made up case to create a ruling in favor of anti-LGBTQIA bigotry, @melissagira will be on MSNBC in about an hour. this week in sentences: odd souvenirs, rainbows, sufficient fortune, the world's story, on the other hand, the salad of hegemony, slime video

losing my edge 

when I first started seeing memes and mentions of Erewhon on my timelines I 100% thought "why is everyone in LA so into Lord of the Rings all of a sudden"

sick complaining 

not loving this dynamic where I should probably be resting to deal with this sore throat and also when I try to sleep I'm violently woken up by an intense painful coughing fit

oh you believe in spirits? rituals? ancient gods? primitive, simple. not like me, the rational white man, who creates a person by filing some papers. this paper person I have created has more rights than women. I have fought for this.

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trying to balance my anger and general despair at current events with also maybe having walking pneumonia amidst a bad AQ day

LLM stands for "landlord models" because you have to pay rent to a corporation to use them

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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.