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probably should stop shorthanding "the annihilation of space by time" as "time space go squish!!" this week in sentences: owlish, langourously, easy bedfellows, spreadsheets, the crystal of non-knowledge, its ancient tyranny, whiggishness, chicken broth

To be clear I mean no shade on Luke here, I met him and the rest of that art project in 2016 at a symposium thing in Boulder, seemed like a decent enough guy. Just, what a weird life to be leading

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Wait wait wait, the guy who was briefly in an art collective with Shia Labeouf in the 2010s is the one who brought down Nina Power holy shit

uspol, election, bluesky 

the amount of "freaking out about Biden being too old is a psyop"/"vote blue no matter who" shit I'm seeing on Bluesky makes me feel like maybe it is a viable alternative to Twitter lol

Today in comp exam reading: Geoffrey Bowker's Science on the Run absolutely slaps IMO??

Southland Tales 

"we are a bisexual nation, living in denial, all because of a bunch of nerds"

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"Fuck the 4th (of July, US Independence Day)"
Painted on a right-wing auto shop in Red Hook, Brooklyn

Saw a lady on the street today wearing an Nvidia shirt that said "I am AI", that's going to be haunting me for a while

The key to understanding American politics is that party differences are essentially moral in character. Democrats feel guilty about the violent excesses of state power while Republicans celebrate it, but both embrace it.

Banksy has confirmed that he was responsible for an art display at Glastonbury in which an inflatable boat filled with "migrant" dummies was hoisted above the crowd during two sets at the festival. He also hit back at U.K. Home Secretary James Cleverly who accused the artist of trivializing small boat migrant crossings in the Channel and described his boat as "vile." On Instagram, Banksy wrote: "The Home Secretary called my Glastonbury boat 'vile and unacceptable' which seemed a bit over the top. The real boat I fund, the MV Louise Michel, rescued 17 unaccompanied children from the central Med on Monday night. As punishment, the Italian authorities have detained it – which seems vile and unacceptable to me."

Here's more from Metro.
#Art #Banksy #UK #UKPolitics #JamesCleverly

Friend of mine just casually mentions how he's diverting vast amounts of NYT microfilm from a landfill. IDK what he's up to, or why he insists on staying on facebook ... but this is why I must go over there from time to time. This could be an interesting project.

Anyways, I know there are a lot of "archival arts people" around on here anything I should tell him?

today's comp exam reading is @inquiline's OIL BEACH and it is very good!!

I hate having emotions about reality; I’d much rather have them about Sanctuary Moon.

the other day I introduced someone to the music of The Mountain Goats and after finishing All West Texas I said "this is my favorite band but also I know that it's basically what would happen if Lin Manuel Miranda had been a heroin addict and got into heavy metal"

US pol, courts, self harm 

Everyone who told me not to kill myself in 2018 because maybe things would turn around in our fucked up world owes me an apology

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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.