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since november ive been putting together a memorial to the martyrs of gaza. it is complete enough that i am sharing it with the world this afternoon. boosts welcome.

it is a simple list of the names of the dead read aloud, bearing witness to their loss, acknowledging each one of them as a complete human being, a story cut short by ethnonationalist projects and empire, someone who deserved more.

You call them "just in time" supply chains and yet say we are in "late" capitalism... curious

i don't buy from uline for my shop because of this! if anyone has questions about where i get shipping materials and shop stuff without them im happy to point you toward the best stuff i've found

minor good news 

it is unfortunate that much of the extra $900 a month will mostly go to my rent which is going up next month but like I'll take it

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minor good news 

got my contract for next year's PhD funding and it's not that I thought maybe the raise my advisor told me about like year in advance wasn't going to happen but it was nice to see it in writing

If the NYC getting trash cans thing had happened under de Blasio Lin Manuel Miranda would have burst out of the trash can rapping

Editorial board calls for Biden to gracefully die in his sleep in one of those funny long sleeping caps while going "zzz-awoo"

I realize this paper topic is so so tiny, the epitome of a niche academic question, but it truly blows my mind that everyone knows about the rocks full of blood in computers today and there's so little record or acknowledgement of the rocks full of blood that made computers possible. I wanted to fix that!

Show thread the preprint has been out for a couple months but my first peer reviewed journal article is out today in its finished polished form and I am still pretty happy with it

Took Kitty to get a grooming at a place that also does dog daycare and Ramsey said it looked more like a dog co-working space and now I can't stop thinking about all the dog startups

phd exam reading stats for the week 

11 books, 3 journal articles, 1 book chapter

probably should stop shorthanding "the annihilation of space by time" as "time space go squish!!" this week in sentences: owlish, langourously, easy bedfellows, spreadsheets, the crystal of non-knowledge, its ancient tyranny, whiggishness, chicken broth

To be clear I mean no shade on Luke here, I met him and the rest of that art project in 2016 at a symposium thing in Boulder, seemed like a decent enough guy. Just, what a weird life to be leading

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Wait wait wait, the guy who was briefly in an art collective with Shia Labeouf in the 2010s is the one who brought down Nina Power holy shit

uspol, election, bluesky 

the amount of "freaking out about Biden being too old is a psyop"/"vote blue no matter who" shit I'm seeing on Bluesky makes me feel like maybe it is a viable alternative to Twitter lol

Today in comp exam reading: Geoffrey Bowker's Science on the Run absolutely slaps IMO??

Southland Tales 

"we are a bisexual nation, living in denial, all because of a bunch of nerds"

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"Fuck the 4th (of July, US Independence Day)"
Painted on a right-wing auto shop in Red Hook, Brooklyn

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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.