Show more back in January I helped pressure a NYC arts nonprofit into doing small grants to Palestinian artists. they made this project public last week, albeit in a v shady way (no social, not visible on their landing page, no email announcement). feeling a lil ambivalent! wish they'd just say it with their whole chest here!

went to go look at the website for sfpc's "solidarity infrastructures" class and got annoyed that the glossary doesn't define "infrastructure", academia has poisoned my brain and I hate it

Apparently the bacteria thing Kitty got in her GI tract in July is still kicking after her antibiotics course and it is a whole lot to come home from physically and emotionally exhausting Times to my baby girl shitting her brains out, again

This morning I took a cab from the airport and towards the end of the ride the driver said "you know at the end we all die alone" so you could say I'm feeling pretty back in the big apple this week in sentences: cosmic factory, replacements, the ants, horizons, excavated, dead-pan intensity, tins of oysters, a riverbed, precocious children

Update: my backpack has too many pockets and I found my keys

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Got to the airport for a red-eye after two weeks away from home and it appears that at some point in the last 14 days I lost my keys?? Coming home totally fine and not ragged as hell thanks for asking

My general vibe for is apparently spiraling at mortality and the amnesiac cycle of all of us barnacle-ing resistant little communities onto a series of sinking ships

Got a pep talk from a security guard how humiliating

Being a little self involved baby sorry 

Fucking hate how in Portland everyone asks if you're ok when you're crying I miss New York

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Being a little self involved baby sorry 

I walked out because I started crying haha

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Being a little self involved baby sorry 

Really proud of the boys of watching them do a live show episode and also low-key sad realizing how much the show I work on for them does not nor will it ever have the same level of appeal or production quality and care??

You put on EMOTION in its entirety and expect us to just chill, monsters

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Grateful for the masks required policy at because now no one can see me lip syncing to the entire Carly Rae Jepsen album playing before the talks begin

xoxo shitpost 

On the one hand, I'm at a conference where I'll get to see lots of people I know

On the other hand: lots of people, yikes

A year ago today we launched 404 Media.

Thanks to the overwhelming support of our subscribers, we're very proud and humbled to say that our business and company is sustainable and stable, and more scoops, investigations, stunts, etc are coming in year 2

Made it to Portland and once again will be asleep by 9pm

Still thinking about the sticker I saw on a guy's hard hat on the bus yesterday that said "OnlyCranes" in the OnlyFans logo design

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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.