i dont know if mastodon has the same tolerance of shitposting as twitter and i...like? weird shitposting? i like making dumb jokes and everything seems very earnest over here. that isnt bad, but the vibe is definitely different

@oddletters yeah it's a hell of an adjustment; i've seen one real shitpost since the influx of new users and it was *nice* but this is definitely not a space where i'd feel like i want to say the same sorts of things I used to say on Twitter! And I think that's healthier and good but sometimes one wants unhealthy things.


@cariglino i'm good at shitposting! i'm good at dumb jokes! i'm good at dumb jokes and shitposting in a way that was actually good for my career and idk i feel a way about sitting at what feels like the serious grownups table now. i'm anxious about what fork to use in a way that i'm not really used to

@oddletters understandable! me too! I have actual academics who I've never interacted with following me on here from my intro post and I am *absolutely* going to disappoint them when I start joking around w/ my pals on here because I am an unserious dork! And I'm worried I'll also piss off the more culturally-fediverse types by Using Mastodon Wrong somehow.

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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.