sometimes i think i want to watch serious films about ART and LIFE and PAIN and LOVE amd STUFF and then it turns out what i want to watch is an anime about a polar bear who runs a cafe


@kissane it's delightful i highly recommend, especially if you like extremely detailed animations of cooking and kind of expensive camping equipment

@oddletters In perfect truth, I can think of few things I would enjoy more

@kissane there's a whole genre of relaxing anime and i am very into it

@oddletters I tried to read some HARD FICTION about GRIEF and AWFUL THINGS

and then I was like wait I don't actually want to cry anymore

I want a sabbatical from anything heavier than a crumpet

@kissane did ever i tell you about the time during my comprehensive exams alex found me sitting on the floor having a large cry about the 1970s and they were like how about we watch some bake off huh champ and i said "serious people dont watch The Great British Bake Off. serious people read serious books and are sad!!"

anyway i strongly recommend watching the chill anime now

@kissane @oddletters okay crunchyroll appears to have more seasons than exist, popcorn can be dinner right

@meetar @kissane @oddletters so sorry to butt in but 1) YES IT IS THE BEST it made me, a terminally indoorsy person, consider maybe camping 2) is a brilliant domain/instance

@oddletters We just finished season 1, it’s unexpectedly perfect, tyvm

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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.