
if you recall like six library books, and the same person has all of them, i think you should be able to meet in person so you can either get married or fight to the death

@cstross @oddletters The marriage option is then no longer possible. Which leaves you with the only remaining choice -- fight to the death.

@rst @oddletters In which case your names are Mr and Mrs Smith and your neighbours' insurance broker just died of fright.

@rst @oddletters Now hear me out, this is my elevator pitch:


@oddletters “married” and “fight to the death” may not be mutually exclusive. Bon chance!


My spouse has very strong negative feelings about book recalling and has obligated me to pass that along. (I'm secretly happy she's in the "fight to death" camp rather than wishing to dump me for a new spouse.)

@oddletters marry and/or fight to the dealth. Or maybe that was implied.

@oddletters split the difference by making out so hard you accidentally suffocate each other <3

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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.