does anyone know why reddit is obsessed with "mold and bacteria" getting into cracks in ceramic dishes?

because i have never even _thought_ about this but it seems like every other post that features a photo of a ceramic with a crazed glaze has folks jumping into the comments yelling about "bacteria and mold"

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@oddletters I absolutely said "uh oh" aloud when I logged in to see this at the top of my feed

@oddletters so I do not have a take on this

I have a theory, but I have no basis other than reddit stereotypes

the stereotype is that reddit is mostly under 25 and very sheltered

@oddletters it really is

i can't tell how much is trauma from anxiety about filth, and how much is trauma actually caused by filth

@owen weirdly the subreddits where i've noticed this the most are tea related???

@owen @oddletters god DAMMIT I saw the start of this thread and thought I could escape unscathed.

It's unfounded, of course. But where does it come from? No idea.

@owen @oddletters mold and bacteria are my favorites, they make the fermentation and cheese go

@oddletters but also we eat mold and bacteria with our food all the time, it's pervasive in the environment. your gut will be fine if you're not eating big visible colonies or anything that anaerobically rotted

if you really want to troll them, put a slice of brie on a crazed plate

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