I know that tattoo artists have to run their own booking and it's hard and there's not a great solution to this but.... this is what it's like to try and book a tattoo with an artist these days: (note the time signatures)

@roseveleth omg rose FIVE MINUTES

(also this is honestly helpful/validating to hear; i’m hoping to get my first tattoo this year, and everything I’ve gleaned about the booking process makes it sound like i need to wrestle a demon and then learn the unknowable secret name of god)

@beep Don't give up! Honestly my strategy has been to find newer artists who are really talented but not yet super in demand. There are sooooo many folks starting to tattoo these days who come from illustration/design/other art forms.

@roseveleth Oh jeez Rose this is SUCH a good tip, thank you so much!

@beep If you tell me where you're based & the style you like I can help you find some! I follow sooooo many artists on Instagram so this is a thing I can maybe help with!

@roseveleth @beep i always recommend going to toronto. absolutely amazing artists, super talented, very nice, often with scheduling assistants!


@beep @roseveleth I'm also happy to pass on recs if you want to send me what youre looking for

@oddletters @beep oh yeah +1 for Toronto there are some AMAZING folks up there!!

@oddletters that’s SO nice of you to offer, thank you!! I’ll drop you a DM in a bit

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