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@tim so what i'm getting is this is actually just _all_ agents

@tamigraph we have a local meadery but unfortunately by local i mean in maryland


ok what is actually wild about FLEISHMAN IS IN TROUBLE is that i also had an agent lose their entire mind and ghost on me/their whole life? like six or seven years ago? is this common???

is this show about that agent??????

update from Plague House: i am so bored i am going to clean all my currently inked fountain pens today

riding that paxlovid metal mouth come up ✌️

random insane question: is covid know to exacerbate exisiting muscle injuries?

@scottpurdy scott you cant make alex cry-laugh its not fair we have covid

the 🍁 and i have spent all day watching DOCUMENTARY NOW and i just keep yelling things like "SWIMMING TO CAMBODIA! SPAULDING GRAY!" and alex keeps saying what who is this why

i'm sick (not covid!) so please send me fun videos and good podcasts and maybe even webcomics??? im very bored

maybe this will date me but i remember a time when claire danes smiled on film

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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.