crossposting here from bsky: does anyone know anything about SAnet, a local ISP in southern Arkansas that may have started in 1994/spun out of a bbs based in El Dorado, AR? it may also have been known as ELDONet

you can find my original thread explaining the main points of this paper here (my account accepts all follow requests, more or less)

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repostable repost!

do you care about venture capital (derogatory)? do you care about *weird charts* (complimentary)? do you care about using extremely fiddly historical methods to trace the use of One Weird Chart through 40+ years of venture capital policy? HERE YA GO

@beep @roseveleth I'm also happy to pass on recs if you want to send me what youre looking for

@roseveleth @beep i always recommend going to toronto. absolutely amazing artists, super talented, very nice, often with scheduling assistants!

mols attempts to herd cats/organize a pile of academics to agree on a dinner reservation time so some grad students can make friends and also get fed

as always if you would like stickers just boop me a message and accept that i will mail them out at a semi-random time

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extremely tempting to put "i can lift 200 pounds" in my annual review materials @natematias just gonna quietly like this and move on for no particular reason at all

@natematias : reads article : wow this is actually worse than what morris initially described, and that was already extremely shit.

@owen he's not famous! he's nobody! he says so in the running-through-the-office-from-agents scene!

@owen it's just weird things like saying Neo was a "world famous hacker" or saying he's "strapped into" a chair during the red pill/blue pill scene. like, stuff you could correct just by _watching the movie you're describing_

im reviewing an ms for a scholarly press and the thing that is bugging me the most is how badly the author appears to have misunderstood THE MATRIX

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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.