@beep @roseveleth I'm also happy to pass on recs if you want to send me what youre looking for

@roseveleth @beep i always recommend going to toronto. absolutely amazing artists, super talented, very nice, often with scheduling assistants!

mols attempts to herd cats/organize a pile of academics to agree on a dinner reservation time so some grad students can make friends and also get fed

as always if you would like stickers just boop me a message and accept that i will mail them out at a semi-random time

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extremely tempting to put "i can lift 200 pounds" in my annual review materials

@sophiabrueckner@vis.social @natematias just gonna quietly like this and move on for no particular reason at all

@natematias : reads article : wow this is actually worse than what morris initially described, and that was already extremely shit.

@owen he's not famous! he's nobody! he says so in the running-through-the-office-from-agents scene!

@owen it's just weird things like saying Neo was a "world famous hacker" or saying he's "strapped into" a chair during the red pill/blue pill scene. like, stuff you could correct just by _watching the movie you're describing_

im reviewing an ms for a scholarly press and the thing that is bugging me the most is how badly the author appears to have misunderstood THE MATRIX

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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.