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i'm sick (not covid!) so please send me fun videos and good podcasts and maybe even webcomics??? im very bored

maybe this will date me but i remember a time when claire danes smiled on film

@histoftech mar have you considered getting really into fountain pens

@inquiline i am very excited about this book! and also hearing about your experience working with Chicago!

@spacerog for what it's worth StickerApp is my goto these days, but i reall appreciate the comparison you did!

@saintsoftness oh in my house it would be "you are reading and someone is about to scream"

@FrankPasquale my robot vacuum cant even handle the first floor of my house without wedging itself in a corner and screaming for help

oddletters boosted
oddletters boosted
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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.