@ethanz and my grip didnt fail even a little bit!!
@ethanz 😆😆😆
@stephanierieger a year ish and a cold snap
@batkaren also Benny was right in RENT
@aramsinn no idea but i know what it is.
it's entirely possible i know what it is because of a simpsons joke
@aramsinn yes
@mcc _pal_ 💙💙💙
@mcc ffffffffff
I had no idea until this morning that the 2023 CSST summer research institute is happening in Boulder, but here you are! For late stage PhD/early career researchers in sociotechnical spaces. https://sociotech.net/2023-csst-summer-research-institute-boulder/
We are hiring a predoc to work with @tarleton @maryLgray @zephoria and me in Cambridge MA, starting in July.
@rose_alibi @darius @mcc @c9a in college i had a samsung somethingorother with a slide out physical keyboard and i miss that phone every day
@darius i just started calling it the gutter because that's what that empty sidebar in newspapers is called? the double entendre is a nice bonus.
mols sauter
doctor of why vc was always a bad idea