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today i lifted 200 pounds three times in a row, which is different than lifting 200 pounds once, three times!

@aramsinn no idea but i know what it is.

it's entirely possible i know what it is because of a simpsons joke

oddletters boosted

I had no idea until this morning that the 2023 CSST summer research institute is happening in Boulder, but here you are! For late stage PhD/early career researchers in sociotechnical spaces.

oddletters boosted
oddletters boosted

happy twin peaks day to all who celebrate 🔥 🍩☕ 🗻 🌲 🦉

@rose_alibi @darius @mcc @c9a in college i had a samsung somethingorother with a slide out physical keyboard and i miss that phone every day

does anyone know off the top of their head when youtube raised the upload limit to twelve hours?

@darius i just started calling it the gutter because that's what that empty sidebar in newspapers is called? the double entendre is a nice bonus.

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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.