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i put the catgirl in my slides so now y'all have to come to this talk tomorrow to support this objectively dumb choice

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illustrating my talk slides is hard enough without actual catgirls floating around

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i just learned there is a Fortnite character named Erisa and i am very strongly considering just including this image in my talks with no further elaboration

all i want to do is drink nice tea and write things with my cool pens and ride my bike and not be beset

let's play a game i like to call "the 🍁 is out of town and something in the chimney is making a noise"

@tim TIM last night i had a dream we came to visit you and you had an MRI machine in your basement so people could take candid pictures of their insides. that's the whole thing.

i was very cranky today but i squatted 160 pounds so there's that

i deadlifted 185 lbs today! i love lifting heavy things and putting them down again!

next week i'm giving a talk on how a bunch of finance guys in the 1970s changed how financial policy treats risk and accidentally on purpose created modern venture capital! you can watch it! financialhistorynetwork.wordpr

oddletters boosted

February 23, 5 pm Eastern (online):

Five College Seminar in #Book #History:

'Case Logics: A Catalog of Intellectual Furnishings' with Shannon Mattern @shannonmattern
(Penn Presidential Compact Professor of #Media Studies and History of #Art at the University of Pennsylvania)


#BookHistory @BookHistodons

i not saying this would impact your decision to submit to this workshop but i _will_ be making a secret special sticker for it

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i demand, on behalf of everyone, that reracking your plates count as its own exercise in your little exercise logging app

sometimes i think i want to watch serious films about ART and LIFE and PAIN and LOVE amd STUFF and then it turns out what i want to watch is an anime about a polar bear who runs a cafe

well well well, if it isnt the consequences of my own actions (being sore and starving)

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i've been out of the gym since november due to conference + holiday travel and then covid, but last week i hit a new squat pr (150lbs!) and today i deadlifted 175lbs, which is 5 off my last pr!

my new favorite thing to do at dinner parties is when someone turns to me and asks "so what are you a professor of," i smile real wide and say GUESS because 1) i'm an asshole and 2) they know that i know that they were going to say "gender studies" but now they're definitely not going to say that at all

mothers dont let your babies grow up to write finance history books

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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.