winter habitat 

As the weather turns colder, picnic tables tend to huddle together for warmth, usually around their favorite tree.

sunset strip 

My new year’s resolution is whatever resolution this pic is.

When I was a kid, at least once a week in summer my mom would stuff a bunch of sandwiches in a cooler, stuff a bunch of kids in a station wagon along with a blanket and a ratty umbrella and drive over the bridges to “Robert Moses” which was short for Robert Moses State Park, where we’d spend the whole day playing in the waves and digging in the sand.

Bridget Riley at the Morgan Library. The older lady walking past me said “I don’t consider this art”


As their signature “maneuver” remains the gold standard in choking prevention, Heimlich & Co enjoyed another profitable year, though analysts warn that their failure to expand into new areas of accidental death prevention could hamper long term growth

police horse keep back 

just a sliver of horse butt for no reason

Today's melancholy bike riding vibes brought to you by the LP Horse Stories by Dirty Three

Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.