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food, crime 

@tripofmice I read somewhere that skittles contain titanium dioxide which was banned in europe. so if you're in france, it make in fact be illegal to make skittle croissants. or pain au skittles

I remember a time as a child when i thought the world made sense; that people were basically decent and acted according to rational principles.

@vruba you know the old saying, if you want a more enjoyable kind of linear algebra you're probably gonna have to make it yourself.

One more peep out of you, wisenheimer, and I’ll butter your necktie.

Anyway, I stopped the lady and tried to explain how this is, in fact, art. We had a dialogue and I’m not sure I convinced her, but we’re getting married next month.

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If you stand on a street corner in midtown Manhattan, if you’re quiet and you just listen, you’ll still hear someone say “welcome to New York” in a sardonic tone.

Bridget Riley at the Morgan Library. The older lady walking past me said “I don’t consider this art”

cemetery, animal remains 🦴 

@ranjit those tree tags are a frustrating tease.

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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.