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I would like to propose that we redefine hoarding as pre-archaeology.

The Mad Max franchise is ok I guess, but why is George Miller leaving so much potential Babe material on the table?

If you have a couple of bucks, you’ll never lack candy on the ny subway

uspol, alternate universe nyc 

on my whatsapp billionaire buddies groupchat, we're urging the mayor to restore funding to libraries and the composting program. also diverting funding from NYPD to public schools. otherwise, what's the point of having all this $$$?

"All my homies are anti-zionist"
Poster spotted in Philadelphia

@ingrid if you hire a president whose job history is with the IMF and Bank of England it's clear that their job is asset management and that the student experience is an afterthought. which makes sense for a real estate holding company that happens to teach classes. but what do i know

@ingrid the music mashups alone made it ok. (it was ok anyway)

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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.