@tripofmice what I thought you said at first blush vs what you actually said.
@nasser thank you for creating this
@tripofmice congratulations on your new place, mouse!
@ranjit whoa, flying doggo!
@ranjit i could’ve guessed it if you included a little dog
@ingrid i was moving into this apartment the day he died, which was also my birthday. so yes, time is broken. also i've been in this apartment too long.
@tripofmice ravenous time eaters lurking around every corner
@ingrid belated happy Father’s Day!
#News: Wild horses return to Kazakhstan steppes after absence of two centuries
Seven Przewalski’s horses, the only truly wild species were flown there https://www.theguardian.com/environment/article/2024/jun/10/przewalskis-horses-only-wild-species-return-central-asian-steppes-kazakhstan
@tripofmice your racuber has arrived
@ingrid can't become a park ranger either 😞
@tripofmice woodland friends!
i often dream of dogs